She's an absolute dream at the moment. We're enjoying each others company more and more every day. We go to regular baby groups on a Monday and Wednesday and a baby talk group on a Friday. She's making lots of friends and I'm finally starting to chat to other mums too.
Every day she seems to learn something new.
She really is amazing. I wanted to make a list of her likes and dislikes and compare them when she turns 1! Here goes:

IQ Likes:
- Baths
- Flying around the room with her Daddy
- Jumping in her Jumparoo
- Trying new food
- The cat
- The food processor on its highest speed setting
- Watching mummy being silly
- Singing silly songs
- Nursery rhymes
- Raspberries blown on her chin
- Scratching new surfaces with her nails (to see how they feel and sound)

IQ Dislikes:
- Having her face wiped after eating (she'd rather eat the wipe)
- Getting dressed
- Baby porridge
- Getting out of the bath
- Waking up early from a nap
- When mummy leaves the room (but only if she's watching me leave)
- When Daddy stops playing the Ukelele

IQ Can:
- Roll over back to front and front to back
- Sit unsupported for a considerable amount of time
- Blow raspberries
- Shout really loud
- Belly chuckle
- Get her knees under her when on her tummy
- Push herself across the floor on her back

I'm looking forward to the next few weeks as she seems so close to crawling or at least some form of locomotion! I think I'm going to have to baby-proof the house very shortly...
These pictures are so lovely :) Happy half birthday IQ!x