
Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Crafting Days of Christmas Blog-Hop

So today is the 1st of December and that means it's time for The Crafting Days of Christmas blog-hop!
Please visit the link for buttons to add to your blog or see the right hand sidebar of my blog for the code.

There aren't any strict rule to this blog-hop other than add your link to your Christmas blog or craft posts and have a browse at the other links and meet some new bloggy friends and hopefully find some interesting Christmas crafts along the way. You're not limited to one link either, if you write multiple posts about Christmas crafts please feel free to add them to the blog-hop.

Don't forget to comment on any new blogs you follow so that the owners can follow you back!

The first few links are from the following bloggers: Myself, of course! Ros @ Ros Made Me and Kara @ Happy Go Lucky. Click their links below to see their crafty Christmas posts. (Please note the Christmas Pomander link is a scheduled link and won't be live until the 2nd!)

Happy crafting!

(I've also scheduled a few crafty posts of my own for the next few days as I'm going to London over the weekend and will be shaking my boots at the Alexisonfire gig on Monday, oh I cannot wait!)

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