
Friday, November 30, 2012

Planning for Babysitting and a Trip To London

Tonight my darling mother is driving a hundred or so miles to come sit with IQ while me and daddy go to my work's Christmas party. I know she's going to adore the time with IQ and we well and truly deserve a couples night together. I can't believe that this time last year I had only just told my colleagues that we were expecting and was reeling at everyone for being able to knock back the wine and I had to settle for juice! Now this year TWO of my colleagues are expecting!

As always, I like to plan ahead so my fridge is stocked and ready to go for when we hit the tiles. We're only going to be out from 6:30pm until 11pm!

(Please don't shoot me down for using formula. I'm still having a real hard time breastfeeding and am coming very close to giving up. Quitting won't be easy for me either so I'm stuck in a catch 22 at the moment!)

We've also got a very busy weekend ahead of us. We're travelling 5 hours cross country to go and stay with Andi's mum for the weekend. IQ is getting a grandma overload this weekend as mum-in-laws very kindly agreed to sit for IQ on Monday night as we're going to see Alexisonfire in London! Oh my goodness, I cannot tell you how excited I am about this gig. It's their last EVER EVER tour. It's going to be emotional I can tell you. It's also landed on a very strange date too. When me and Andi first met, he went to see AOF in Brixton in early December. We also saw them in Bristol in 2009, just after we got married and now we're seeing them off one final time.

It's going to be lovely to catch up with so many people and IQ is going to meet most of them for the very first time. I'm a little nervous about the trip as it's such a long time for IQ to travel. I'm also nervous about travelling around London, I find London extremely stressful and I really dislike the tube!

I'm a wuss!

I hope everyone has a fab time this weekend, especially if you're putting your Christmas decorations up already. We'll be doing ours when we come back from London on Tuesday.

Don;t forget, tomorrow is the 1st and my Crafting Days of Christmas blog hop goes live!

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