
Thursday, May 2, 2013

We're up for sale!

(this isn't our board by the way!)
I am so pleased that we've got the ball rolling and our house is officially up for sale. It technically went up for sale last Wednesday but the for sale board went up yesterday. Wahoo yaah!

We've had a couple of viewings so far and a few more planned for next week. The first viewing was incredibly positive, the people loved the house and there was no negative feedback but sadly they offered on another house :-(. But, that's a really positive start for only a week on the market.

The next big step in our move is having a clear out. The husband is currently on his was back from the local tip after emptying the workshop, aka manshed, aka manfred-manshed. He filled the car to the brim with bits of wood, backs of sawdust and empty pain cans. Most of the wood came from old reptile tanks and other DIY jobs. It was amazing to see how much we'd accumulated over the past year!

I also emptied the mugs & glasses cupboard of all the one-of-a-kind (but once in a set) mugs that seem to gather dust. There was a whole bag full that went out and now we have some shelf space back!

We've also been busy giving the kitchen a new lick of paint, as well as painting the garden walls. They're now gleaming white and have a real Mediterranean glow about them since the sun has come out.

The next steps now is to work our way through each room, packing unnecessary clutter and chucking out junk. We have A LOT of junk... Although this is the most time consuming part of moving I find it the most therapeutic - throwing out old junk and getting ready for a new life somewhere. It's exciting.

Things seem to slowly be falling in to place. There's a house ready and waiting for us in Wales, we just need to move in. So there's no house hunting to be done just yet. It's not very big and we'll need to find somewhere more permanent and larger further down the line but as a stop-gap it's perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm sure your house will sell in no time, it's a super lovely house!

    See you soon x
