
Friday, April 5, 2013

A herb update

The herbs on my windowsill are doing great, half of them anyway. The coriander and basil are absolutely loving their little pots but the thyme and parsley are no shows. I know that they do take a little longer to germinate than the others so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully the last few sunny days will give them the kick they need.

Elsewhere in the garden rosemary, lavender and thyme are growing fantastically again. There's a lot of fresh growth and they all look really healthy. My chives are also doing great and there are a few of the first buds growing so there will be the appearance of the gorgeous purple flowers really soon.

I love this time of the year. Everything starts to grow again and there are even a few bees buzzing about.

Spring is wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. yay!

    I made the mistake of planting my basil outside - it's still far too cold and it's died :( boooo!
