
Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Week of Sadness

This week has been really tough.

I lost my grandmother last Sunday and found out on Tuesday that my uncle is terminally ill. I feel so sad for my dad as he'll probably loose his brother as well as his mother in the same year span.

I hate hearing the sadness in his voice when I call him. It's so unlike him it hurts.

The funeral is planned for the new year. This is going to be IQ's first Christmas and sadly it'll be the first without my nan.

It's sad to think that IQ will never hear my nan's laugh, her jokes or the lovely stories about her family and friends in days gone by.

My daughter will have to grow up without her in her life and that's so sad.

I wish I could be with my family right now. We're so far away and it's so lonely without them. I try and pick myself up each morning for IQ and hubby's sakes but I'm struggling.


  1. So sorry to hear about your nan and uncle. It's horrible, especially at this time of year, will be thinking of you x

  2. So sorry to hear about all this. :( You and your family are in my prayers. <3
