
Monday, November 19, 2012

Handmade Fabric Christmas Wreath

When visiting my local yarn store last week, Knit Wits and Crafty Bits (awesome name), I saw that they had a fabric wreath for sale. Of course, it was handmade and very lovely. I thought to myself "hey, I could make that!".

I managed to find time to craft over the last week and as Christmas is around the corner I decided to make two of these fabric wreaths. One is supposed to be for my mum and I'll hate parting with it so I may end up making another! This is so simple to make and should only take about an hour, great as a gift for friends and relatives.

The first wreath I made was with a selection of fabric and ribbon and the second was just made with fabric.

What You'll Need
Fabric, at least 2 different colours about 1 metre each
Scissors, although pinking shears worked best for me
Gardening or stiff craft wire
Wire cutters
A circle to use as a template for the wreath, I used a circular pillow but a large dinner plate would work also

How To Make It
1 - take your wire and wrap around template circle a few times, cut wire and wrap ends around. Fasten down with tape if the ends are sharp.

2 - cut your fabric in to 7inch long by 2 inch strips.

3 - Start tying the fabric strips around the wire, packing them closely and alternating colours. Try to tie the knots in different directions to make the fabric "splay" out.

4 - keep tying until the wire is completely covered.

5 - take a 10 inch long piece of ribbon and tie a loop around the wire.

Done! Easy peasy!


  1. Oh my, I love this! Gorgeous looking but so easy to make. You have inspired me!

    1. Thank you very much. I am glad I've passed on some inspiration to you. Please, let me know how you get on if you make one - I'd love to see what you do.

  2. I never knew that wreaths can be done with fabric, I didn't see that one coming. Although knowing how well fabric can be used on craft projects, I should've seen it coming. Nice advice!
